Chronic Disease Management

We can help manage many types of Chronic Disease

If you suffer from Diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, mental illness, arthritis, osteoporosis, in fact, any chronic illness that impacts on your day to day life, we at North Street Medical Centre can help you get the most out of the services available in the community, access to treatment required, and ensure you have the quality of life you deserve, with the support you need.

Given the increasing prevalence of chronic disease and the enormous associated personal, social and economic cost to the community, a wide range of Australian Government programs and initiatives provide assistance in the area of chronic disease, including:

  • Programs to increase access to care and medicines
  • Risk factor prevention and management
  • Programs providing support to people with specific chronic diseases with the aim of reducing the overall burden in these areas.

Chronic diseases are illnesses that are prolonged in duration, do not often resolve spontaneously, and are rarely cured completely1. Chronic diseases are complex and varied in terms of their nature, how they are caused and the extent of their impact on the community. While some chronic diseases make large contributions to premature death, others contribute more to disability. Some may last indefinitely, whereas others may resolve over time2.

1Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2002).
Chronic diseases and associated risk factors in Australia 2001, Canberra: AIHW, page 2.
2Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2006).
Chronic diseases and associated risk factors in Australia 2006, Canberra: AIHW, page 2.

Our Team

Dr. Ariya Alimoradian
Dr. Ariya Alimoradian is a GP registrar at North Street Medical Centre. He graduated from The University of Western Aust...
Dr. Ariya Alimoradian
Dr. Sidra Hafeez
Dr Sidra gained Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of surgery in 2008 from Allama Iqbal Medical College, University of He...
Dr. Sidra Hafeez
Dr. Ashton May smiles at the camera with tree in the background
Dr. Ashton May
Dr May graduated in 2021 and worked in a number of Perth hospitals, before specialising in General Practice. Along with ...
Dr. Ashton May
Dr Carly Penfound
Dr Carly Penfound qualified in the UK in 2007.  She moved to Australia in 2010 and has worked as an ...
Dr Carly Penfound
Dr Zee Wong
BMedSci (Hons) MBBS FRACGP Dr Zee Wong graduated from University of Tasmania in 2011. Since moving to Western Australia,...
Dr Zee Wong
Dr Harinder Paul
MBBS, MS (Gen Surgery), B.Sc, D.Pharm, AMC, FRACGP Harinder is enthusiastic about and committed to training and supervis...
Dr Harinder Paul
Dr Toni Craft
MB.CHB, MRCGP(UK), DRCOG Dr Craft has been in general practice since 1991, originally in the UK. She enjoys the variety ...
Dr Toni Craft
Dr Eboney Staker
MBBS, FRACGP Eboney started with us as a GP Registrar. She is now a full time GP with us at North Street and a valued te...
Dr Eboney Staker
Dr Timothy Hepworth
MBBS, FRACGP Dr Timothy Hepworth graduated from UWA in 2013. He has worked in various Perth Metropolitan Hospitals since...
Dr Timothy Hepworth